Say Hi To Marty!

Ember Langley
Stream Monkey
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2019

Marty is one of the masterminds behind a lot of the creative endeavors that happen here at Stream Monkey. He’s able to think like a monkey and write copy like a monkey, making sure we’re all laughing during the streaming journey. This guy has a list of the wildest stories, some including more bone breaks than you can count on two hands. He’s always willing to share, so be sure to say “hey!” below and check out more of his work here.

  • What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve ever had?
    I once dressed up as Billy Mays, the infomercial guy in the bright blue shirt who used to pitch OxyClean on TV. I had to grow a beard and fill it in with black shoe polish to complete the look. It was pretty stellar, if I do say so myself.
  • If you had to eat one thing for every meal going forward, what would you eat?
    Cereal. Specifically Golden Grahams or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I never tire of the carbo-licious goodness.
  • As a kid, what did you want to be when you “grew up”?
    A rockstar…or James Bond. Either way, I assumed I could have a really cool car.
  • Have you ever broken a bone, and if so, is there a good story behind the break?
    I have broken both legs, both ankles, both arms, a shoulder blade, every finger, most of my toes, a few ribs and even cracked my skull. The last one happened when I rolled off a bunk bed onto a concrete floor at a summer camp. Needless to say, it was a bonus for me that my mom was an emergency room nurse my whole life.
  • What would you name your boat if you had one?
    I used to own a boat. Never named it, but I think an appropriate choice would’ve been “Regretful Impulse.”
  • What’s the best/worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone?
    I once offended the entire country of Albania in a poor attempt at humor. It’s a long story that I can tell you over a cup of good coffee or a cigar. Needless to say… I’m on a “list” with the U.S. State Department.
  • Best concert you’ve ever attended?
    I’ve been to every U2 tour (except one) since 1987. All of them were incredible, but ZooTV was, by far, the best.
  • What word do you always misspell?
    Restaurant (It’s only spelled correctly here because of spell check.)
  • Favorite meme?
    “Would you look at that? Just look at it!”
  • Where’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
    I can’t recall a funny location, but I have been known to sleepwalk on many an occasion. Once, I did it at a sleepover with a bunch of people and claimed wholeheartedly to be Batman. I still stand by that claim.



Ember Langley
Stream Monkey

Social Media Manager at Route Marketing. She’s got a passion for using technology and social media as a way to encourage authenticity.