What Is Simulated Live And How Should You Use It?

Mindy Worley
Stream Monkey
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2019

Simulated Live is a way for you to take a prerecorded video file and set it to play at a specific time on a live stream, as if it were live. This is different from an on demand video, when a viewer can click on the video and play it whenever they like. This features is great if you’d like to provide online support or chat features, and contribute to a feeling of community while the video is playing.

Many of our users will use a simulated live stream to replay a service that they have live streamed again at a later time. For instance, a church might take the recording of their 10am service, and play it back at 6pm that evening for people who couldn’t watch earlier in the day. Some churches will record a Christmas Eve service and play it back every few hours over the holiday so families can watch according to their busy schedules.

Creating a set event time creates a sense of urgency. If viewers know that they have to log on exactly at 6pm to catch the whole event, they will plan for it, as opposed to an on demand file that they may want to watch, but never get around to. They know that they can log on and watch anytime, so it may seem like less of a priority.

Another way our users take advantage of simulated live is in inclement weather. Depending on where you live, this could be a vital feature for your organization. Icy road conditions or hurricane watches can interfere with your viewers’ ability to show up at your event in person. You can anticipate this by having your speaker record a video ahead of time, so if your event is cancelled, people can still log on and watch, while your staff is also able to stay safely at home.

If you’re a Stream Monkey user, simulated live is a feature that is included in all of our plans, but is activated only by request. If this is something you’d like to try out, reach out to our support team and they’d be happy to set you up!

Stream Monkey is an online video company focused on simplifying the way users share, connect, and engage with their audience. Try out our 14-day trial out here.

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Mindy Worley
Stream Monkey

Mindy is the queen of customer experience at Stream Monkey, and has 10+ years experience working in church media.