There Are So Many Easter Eggs in IT: Chapter Two
For any long-lived Stephen King fan, one thing is for certain: the man loves a good cameo and hiding Easter eggs in his works. And this is something King fans have come to love in return. I, for one, always anticipate King’s appearances in his films, wondering where he will drop in (even if it’s just delivering a pizza in Rose Red). And, oh, do I love catching his Easter Eggs and thinking about how they fit into his larger multiverse.
In IT: Chapter Two, there are, of course, the surprises that come with a book-to-film adaptation. But beyond asking whether it was a good film or a bad film, there are tell-tale signs of a writer at work. These moments in the film not only reference the original novel, but also other King works, cross-world appearances, and even King’s relationship with his fans.
If you’re like me, you’re going to be a happy King fan, because IT: Chapter Two is full of Easter Eggs. (And, at least according to the multiverse, the world is full of Pennywise!)
You’re Not Going to Like the Ending.