ATTN Uses Stream to Enable Citizen Journalism, Increasing Media Coverage

Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2017

In today’s world, media faces the potential to become skewed toward ulterior motives. During high-risk events, news stations sometimes only show what they want you to see, versus the whole story; however, bystanders for such events now have the opportunity to go live and document events from their own unique perspectives, filling the media’s gaps in coverage. Citizen Journalism gives viewers a multi-faceted glimpse into events, making it a crucial element of the public sphere.

ATTN pushing live aggregated citizen journalism to their FB live powered by Stream

The media platform ATTN creates content for individuals to consume through social outlets, areas in which citizen journalism is generally plentiful. ATTN harnesses the power of citizen journalism as an informational tool by creating articles or videos based on consumer contributions, which are then pushed on various forms of social media. In doing so, ATTN accomplishes two goals: providing all information to the public in one source and providing this information on a platform through which millions will view the content. And how does ATTN power its citizen journalism efforts? By leveraging Stream’s robust video platform! Whether it’s a rally or a speech, ATTN uses our platform to take all live video content from observers and push it to their Facebook live, as well as to their hosted embed player, bringing the traffic back to them.

News outlets such as ATTN are increasingly turning to social media platforms to gather citizen journalism content in an effort to increase their coverage of events. This allows them to remain prompt on the details without having to hire a nationwide camera crew, as well as serving to decrease bias within the media. Contact Stream today to aggregate and push Live Citizen Journalism video to your media outlet before the next big event takes place!

