Account Roulette

How many people are you sharing your streaming video accounts with?

Kale Howell
2 min readJan 12, 2021


Streaming Movies

How many people are you sharing your streaming video accounts with? I share my Netflix account with 2 families and I have access to Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video because of the gracious folks in my family and social circle. One of the incredible things about the streaming video industry right now is that the platforms allow and even encourage this kind of account sharing, leaving millions of dollars on the table. My prediction is they won’t allow this forever.

Right now behind all the great new shows and movies being released on streaming everyday, there is an epic corporate battle that’s about to enter its peak season — The Streaming Wars. The benefit of giant companies with easy access to capital duking it out is that we as consumers get lots of freebees. But once the dust settles and just a few services remain relevant, these perks are going to go away as the winners switch from growth mode to lets-actually-make-money mode. I hope that time doesn’t come too soon so we can keep sharing and getting easy access to the great video entertainment content available now on streaming video.

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