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I have three simple things that I do to enhance my movie watching experience at home

Kale Howell
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Space Sweepers

Sometimes the home can feel like the worst place to watch movies. There are so many other things to do at home and often TV shows feel like less of a time commitment even when you end up binging an entire mini-series in one night. A lot of times the hesitation to watch a movie comes from indecisiveness from not knowing what to watch. I used to get crippled with indecisiveness having thousands of films at my fingertips. Lucky for me this weekly newsletter solved that particular problem. The other thing that makes movies harder to get into is the difficulty there can be with creating a “cinematic” environment for watching films at home. Of course, if you have the means you can convert some space of the home into a dedicated theater but for a lot of people (like me) that kind of setup is out of reach. But there are still smaller things that can be done to get closer to that kind of environment for watching movies.

I have three simple (and you’ll probably find obvious) things that I do to enhance my movie watching experience at home. Here is a quick video to sum it up.

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