Ankhbot is joining the Streamlabs family

Ankhbot fully integrated with Streamlabs API

Mike Le
Streamlabs Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2017


Streamlabs Catbot — I mean, Chatbot

Hello fellow streamers!

A while ago, we asked our users which their favorite bot is. Ankhbot was the favorite bot, ahead by almost 600 votes. A chatbot integrated with Streamlabs has been one of the most requested feature.

Your feedback has been the most important to us. So today we are excited to announce that Ankhbot is joining the Streamlabs family.

Together, we are Streamlabs Chatbot.

The bot will have a nice facelift.

You will have access to all existing Ankhbot features, as well as new features integrated with Streamlabs API, including control of your alerts — skip, mute/unmute, pause/unpause and send out test alerts. The chatbot will also be fully integrated with our Loyalty Extension API — import, add and subtract loyalty points through the bot.

In case you are not familiar with the chatbot service, Ankhbot offers more than 100 features. The list below is a quick summary of feature offering:

  • Dashboard: Manage your channel’s Game & Title through the bot
  • Chat: View your chat through the bot
  • Custom commands
  • Chat moderation
  • Loyalty points: viewers can receive and spend points for spending time and interacting with the channel
  • Multiple ways to interact with your audience: Automated messages, Counter, Quotes, Raffle, Minigames, etc.
  • Integration with Streamlabs, Gamewisp and Discord
  • And many more features coming soon!

With the new Streamlabs Chatbot, we hope to bring you the best bot possible!

Feedback? We’d love to hear it!

