Detroit Heals Detroit

Detroit Heals Detroit
Streamlabs Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 4, 2022

Exposure to trauma has a profound impact on cognitive development and academic outcomes and our specific students in Detroit seem to wake up to trauma like its breakfast. Things like murder & chaos has become normalized in their communities. They have been walking and developing in a world that has sought to silence their pain. Our youth face more challenges than any individual person can remedy so our goal is to have them help each other heal from their trauma together. They need a voice and access to share their greatest vulnerabilities with the rest of the world, truly giving their trauma a purpose. There are no safe spaces for youth in Detroit to heal in the city together so our solution is to create that safe space.

We are currently building a Youth-led Healing Hub for Detroit Youth to take a holistic approach to addressing student trauma in Detroit. The Hub will provide culturally-rooted trauma-informed care, wraparound services, and use restorative practices to help students experiencing recurrent trauma, specifically youth ages 12–21. We aim to reduce disciplinary incidents, decrease suspensions and improve social emotional skills/academic engagement. We use peer-peer practices within our work and youth-led initiatives that will lead to radical healing. We will use healing centered engagement that focuses on the intersectionality of culture, race, gender and class and create a space where healing is experienced collectively. Detroit Youth will be able to use the space as a safe haven to help lift up resiliency for youth in which they are able to center and combat their trauma in a positive collective manner. We will use the Hub to host Healing Circles, events and for one on one healing sessions.

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This project will strengthen the Detroit neighborhoods and improve the quality of life for community members by helping Detroit youth heal from their trauma together so that they can develop the coping strategies and obtain resources necessary to transform their pain into power. When the youth in neighborhoods heal, the community begins to heal. Healing is very much rooted in community. They will grow up to be adults that are committed to breaking generational circles of trauma in our community. The radical solution to this problem is utilizing youth who share the same experiences to help facilitate and lead community healing. We are doing work in a space that feels more like a home with people who feel more like family instead of a space that may be unwelcoming to some that encompass a “clinical aura.” Our hope is that this will not just be a moment, but help spark a movement of Healing Justice for the youth of Detroit and beyond.

A single donation will go far in our org and will be used to support scholars who are beginning their journeys toward healing. We will use the donations to host Healing Circles, various therapy rooms for youth, host healing-centered events and for one on one healing sessions. We will have other community initiatives within the hub in order to heal the community as well such as youth-led book clubs, youth-led workshops, youth-led community gardens, and youth-led community cleanups.

We also want the hub to be a place for the community where the spatial experiences trigger body and mind, establishing connections between people, ideas and feelings. Where our youth will engage with community leadership and social action.

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Detroit Heals Detroit
Streamlabs Blog
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Detroit Heals Detroit exists to foster healing justice for Detroit youth in which they are able to transform their pain into power.