Join the #ForTheGreenWin challenge!

Mitch Mueller
Streamlabs Blog
3 min readAug 21, 2021


For several weeks, Greenpeace Chile and some great partners have been working on a green initiative in Fortnite. We want to raise awareness on the main environmental issues that affect Latin America nowadays and how we should avoid over-consumption. This adventure is called #ForTheGreenWin.

To achieve this, we divided this campaign into two phases.

Initially, the players will be transported into the future, during the year 2186. Life on earth has become unsustainable. Among those who survived is Dr. Green, a scientist that after years of research found one way to reverse the fateful end of the Earth as we know it.

The solution comes from the Time Rifts, technological structures that allow players to travel back in time, right before the onset of the crisis, in the year 2021. Players will be visiting the desert, the forest, the mountain, the jungle, and the sea bottom, where they can help Dr. Green restore these territories. A lot of collective work is ahead of us, so she needs everyone’s help!

Each one of these biomes were carefully built in Fortnite’s Creative Mode to reflect the current issues in a familiar environment for the audience, allowing them to be part of the solution in real life and in-game. You can try them using this map code ingame: 7363–4803–0977

Learn more about the #ForTheGreenWin here

After the first phase of this campaign, we will be hosting the #ForTheGreenWin Invitational Tournament, a competition in which the best scores of the biomes phase will fight for the Victory Royale against famous influencers and streamers from Latin America.

What makes this tournament different from any others? It’s quite simple, players won’t be able to chop down trees in order to collect wood; preserving the game’s inner and outer environment. If they choose to ignore these rules by chopping them down, points will be deducted from their final score which could lead to losing the match.

Those who choose not to participate in a certain stage of the #ForTheGreenWin competition can still play a part independently. Some other ways of collaboration include sharing the campaign with your friends or posting on your social media platforms. We will be sharing lots of content so you can repost and spread the word!

Streamers shall not be forgotten; everyone can join us through Streamlabs Charity by downloading all the graphic elements and including them into their transmissions. They are invited to take part in the event and try out the maps alongside their viewers since the best scores from every biome will get the chance to participate in the tournament. Get that high score and face your favorite streamers!

Start fundraising for Greenpeace Chile’s event today!

Since one of our goals is raising money, we believe it is important to point out the fact that Greenpeace does not accept contributions from companies, political organizations, or governments. This way we would like to let our audience know that they can be active agents on this crusade.

Our grand quest begins in August. Further news is coming soon, so for now we leave an open invitation to anyone who wishes to support this campaign. Stay on the lookout for upcoming information on Greenpeace’s social media platforms.

Join us at #ForTheGreenWin!

This article was written by Antonio Basáez and submitted to the Streamlabs Charity team as part of a charity spotlight series.

Overlay Themes for Greenpeace are available in the Themes Library
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