July is plastic free month!

Rebecca Prince-Ruiz
Streamlabs Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2021

By 2050, it is estimated there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. A result of our disposable and throwaway culture.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can turn the tide on plastic in our oceans and protect our beautiful planet for future generations.

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that is helping millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution — so we can enjoy a world free of plastic waste.

Throwback to June 2011…. Plastic Free July founder, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz visited her local waste sorting facility. Rebecca saw the amount of rubbish that was being sorted and realized the heart of the plastic waste and pollution problem was in the quantity of the rubbish. Even if some of it was going to be recycled, this was not the solution.

We need to turn off the tap, not mop the floor!! So she challenged her workmates;

“I’m going to go plastic free next month. Who wants to join me?”

And the rest is history. In 2020, amid a global pandemic, Plastic Free July participants avoided a whopping 940 million kilograms of plastic waste. A huge amount of plastic that didn’t end up in landfill or in our oceans!

However, with plastic production set to quadruple by 2050, Plastic Free July needs to reach more people, because by sharing solutions and helping people to make small changes we are having a huge impact.

Some people are refusing straws, others are choosing to buy unpackaged fruit and vegetables. Whatever the choice, together we are creating a movement that is going to stop the tide of plastic waste and create a cleaner and healthier planet.

And we are showing governments and businesses they need to change too.

By making simple swaps and choosing to refuse single-use plastic items, individuals are making a difference. Your choice may seem small but every single choice is adding up to a huge difference.

How does your Plastic Free July charity stream help?

$75 will help share plastic free solutions to a new audience on social media

$250 will help Plastic Free July provide resources for schools and inspire young people to make plastic free choices

$450 will help host an online workshop event of plastic free solutions to share across the world, helping people discover new tips and ideas for plastic free living

By helping more people discover alternatives to plastic, we can make a difference to the health of our oceans and our planet.

Our planet is precious and we need to protect it for future generations. And by making small steps together, we can enjoy a world free of plastic waste.

Start fundraising for Plastic Free July today with custom charity alerts and overlays:

Overlay themes for Plastic Free July are available in the theme library.
Make your stream official with matching charity donation alerts!

