Let Your Viewers Show Their Support with Personalized Alerts

Tom Maneri
Streamlabs Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2016

For the TL;DR jump to the bottom, but please read!

As most of you are aware, TwitchAlerts is a free service. We don’t post ads on your tip pages, we don’t charge broadcasters any money, and we never plan to. Back in December we switched from charging 1% on all transactions to being 100% free and we haven’t looked back. While being free is awesome, we still have server bills and families to support, so we came up with a solution that will allow us to grow and support TwitchAlerts and should also get more money into the hands of broadcasters.

Introducing TwitchAlerts Pro (ok, it sounds much fancier than it really is). We’re adding a new “pro membership” for viewers who support our broadcasters. With this membership, viewers will be able to add an effect behind their follow, subscription, and of course tip alerts. These effects allow your die-hard fans to express emotion and also have some fun.

TwitchAlerts Pro will cost $4.99/mo, the same price as a twitch.tv subscription, and will work on all channels with one subscription.

Our goal at TwitchAlerts has always been about helping you engage your audience by improving the communication between viewer and broadcaster. While this new program does help cut down on our server bills, we hope that giving $5 back will encourage viewers to continue to support their favorite broadcasters.

Of course, if you just plain don’t like this feature, you can always turn it off in the dashboard. We hope those of you who value our service will give it a chance, and help us continue to improve your broadcasting experience. Please leave us comments and constructive feedback here or on Twitter (unless it’s “TA stole my lunch money”) and we’ll make sure to consider it.

TL;DR — We got bills to pay and mouths to feed. TwitchAlerts Pro is a membership for viewers ($4.99/mo) that gives the ability to add cool effects behind their alerts when tipping, following, and subscribing.

Happy streaming, and please share this with your viewers!


For more information, check out our TwitchAlerts Pro FAQ.

