More for Mental Health to Prevent Suicide

Streamlabs Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2022

So many of us have come to realize that mental health and physical health come as a pair. We all have both. It’s backed by science. There’s no shame in realizing we all must take care of our brains. We say it loud and proud and know it’s important for other people to understand it, as well.

We’ve shared our stories. We’ve posted on social media. We’ve let the people we care about know they are not alone. It’s vital we keep that up.

But now it’s time we do something more.

You may not think of yourself as an advocate, but if you care about mental health, the time has come to move things forward, and champion the legislation we all need to support our friends, family, community, and the rest of the country.

Each of our voices makes us louder, and amplifies the change we can achieve and the lives we can save. The time has come for better and improved access to support, services, and understanding. It’s time for each of us to get involved, encourage more openness in addressing mental health, and advocate for the legislation and policies that we KNOW through research — save lives.

It’s time for MORE:

· More accessible and affordable mental health care
· More mental health and suicide prevention education in schools
· More support for health providers and first responders
· More funding for the 988 mental health and suicide crisis response system
· More research that will help us learn more and support people better

The time has come to say enough is enough, stand up together, and demand #MoreForMentalHealth and suicide prevention. We’ve got our marching shoes on. It’s time to get up and lend your voice and your actions.


Raising funds for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for Mental Health Awareness Month will help fund:

· Scientific research
· Bringing educational programs to the public
· Advocating for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention
· Supporting survivors of suicide loss and those affected by suicide

AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.

If you or someone you know is in a crisis, please call 1–800–273–8255 or text TALK to 741–741.

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