Overlay Theme Designer Spotlight: PremadeGFX

Ethan May
Streamlabs Blog
3 min readMar 30, 2022


PremadeGFX is a marketplace for streamers and content creators that provides high-quality design assets at an affordable price. In this interview, we talk to the team at PremadeGFX about their services, their design process, what sparked their interest in the live streaming industry, and how they can help you take your stream or content creation to the next level!

Tell us about PremadeGFX.

PremadeGFX is a stream design marketplace that aims to empower streamers across the globe to start and grow their streaming careers. We’re focused on creating the highest quality of designs to help creators take their channels to new heights.

How long has PremadeGFX been making theme packages?

PremadeGFX has been making packages since 2017. When we first started we only sold pre-made mascot logos, however over time we began expanding our design skills and started selling stream package templates.

Why do you have an interest in the live streaming industry?

Our interest in the live streaming industry came about through our countless hours of watch time on Twitch itself.

What was the moment that made you say to yourself, “I want to be a designer?”

Many of us grew up playing Call of Duty and joined clans that would require an editor or a graphic designer for the team. Having a passion for wanting to be the best team I took on the designer role and fell in love with designing from there.

If there’s anything you could go back and tell yourself before starting out in this industry, what would it be?

To stay consistent, and produce as much content as possible.

What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of design? Do you have a favorite game?

Aside from designing, we enjoy working out, video shooting, editing, and playing games.

What inspired you to create your own business?

As a freelancer, you can only help so many people until you’re overloaded with work. However, as a business, you have the potential to help 100’s of people every day which is what drove me to create my own business.

What are your favorite packages you’ve made to date?

Describe your design process for creating theme packages.

To create theme packages, we start off with finding some inspiration. We use this to create a mood board and a design guide. While designing we stick to the guide and keep in mind different ways that the package could be animated. Once designed it is then animated and published.

If you could design a package for any streamer, who would it be?

We would love to design a package for RatedEpicz or Ramee, as they both have kept us entertained whilst working.

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be and why?

Programming is something I’ve always wanted to master. I have many ideas for software that could be beneficial for streamers as well as the stream design industry.

What would you like to do when you retire?


Do you have any advice for aspiring designers/creatives?

Learn how to optimize your workflow. Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to achieve this. You can get a lot done when you don’t have to continuously scramble through menus. Once you’re comfortable with them you could even learn how to use AHK so that you can map multiple actions to a single hotkey.

Don’t forget to follow PremadeGFX on Twitter and don’t forget to check out all of the overlays they have to offer on their website or the Streamlabs overlay theme library.

