Streamlabs Streamer Spotlight with SuperMCGamer

Ethan May
Streamlabs Blog


Don’t forget to follow SuperMCGamer on Twitch, YouTube, and Twitter.

What was it about streaming that initially interested you and inspired you to give it a try?

In the very early days, streaming was really rare. When I first started out, it was mostly recorded video that was popular. However, early streams like Desert Bus for Hope and The Speed Gamers were instrumental in getting a lot of people into streaming video games. That included me!

What goals or aspirations would you like to achieve this year and in the future?

It’s been a crazy 2020, so for 2021, I’m hoping things just settle down and maybe we can all start to gather in person eventually and put on in-person events again. I’ll think bigger in 2022… probably.

Were there other streamers that you looked up to and inspired you to start streaming?

Other than the charity streams I watched a lot of, there were really great folks like Coestar trying out services before Twitch like That really got me interested in seeing how far the medium could be taken.

Do you have any advice for new streamers entering the space?

If you want to stream… just stream. There are great tools to help you get started, but don’t delay because you want to make something “perfect”.

Start a broadcast, have fun, and do it because it makes you happy.

Can you tell us more about Zeldathon, how you’re involved and what they do?

Zeldathon is a team of people from across the world that unite to raise money for good causes by playing games. We used to only play Zelda, but lately we’ve been branching out and making things more of a variety show. We’ve raised over $2,600,000 with our community so far, and there is always a new event on the horizon. In the team, I’m a director who oversees a lot of the organization of the marathons. Luckily, our team is wonderful and has only made my job easier over the years.

Is there an event from Zeldathon that you are particularly proud of or that stands out to you?

In 2019, we were invited out to MomoCon to put on a live show on their show floor. We were so privileged and honored to have this chance to meet our community, try something new, and really make something unique. Once conventions are back on the menu, Zeldathon is excited to try out this live show format even more.

