The Tackle Hunger Map

Mandy Reynolds
Streamlabs Blog
3 min readJan 22, 2022


In 2020, 1 in 5 Americans sought out food assistance. Without a national food charity database and in the midst of dealing with the uncertainty of the food supply chain and lockdowns, a question arose: could we figure out what food charities need in real time?

The Souper Bowl of Caring unites ALL communities to tackle hunger. With over 30 years of working with food charities across the country and generating over $170 million for those food charities, we worked on the answer. The Souper Bowl of Caring partnered with Dell Technologies and the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center to create the Tackle Hunger Map.

Using AI to End Hunger

Powered by artificial intelligence and donations, the Tackle Hunger Map is an equitable nationwide database of the real time needs of food charities across the country. Whether they are a huge food bank or a tiny food pantry out of a school closet, if they feed people, they get equal representation on the map. There is no cost for food charities to be on the map.

With our color coded legend, it is easily apparent what food charities need the most and which are in danger of turning away hungry people. Donations can be made directly to a food charity through the map. This is important because a lot of the smaller food pantries don’t have an online presence at all. Through the Tackle Hunger Map, they are given the same opportunity to receive donations as larger charities.

How You Can Help

The Tackle Hunger Map is 100% funded through donations and is the only nationwide database of food charities. We are using technology to get food to hungry people. Donations to the Souper Bowl of Caring will allow us to build the Tackle Hunger Map bigger and better! $1 donated to Souper Bowl of Caring generates $18 for local food charities.

The more people who know about the Tackle Hunger map and use the map, the more successful we can be in making sure that food is available at the right time and the right place…because no one should go without soup in their bowl.

Check out the Tackle Hunger Map here:

Overlay Themes for Souper Bowl of Caring are available in the theme library.
Install the matching alerts and widgets to make your charity stream official.

Useful Links:

