6 Ways to Earn from Brubeck Today: Part 1 of 2

Tom Hamilton
Published in
1 min readMar 3, 2022

The Brubeck Mainnet is now LIVE, which has turned Streamr into a fully decentralised network, run by and for its users and opens up the possibility for everyone to easily run a node and stake DATA tokens. Here are some of the quick ways you can benefit from the Brubeck era!

1. Run a node and stake DATA tokens on the Streamr Network

Unlike web2 data networks, which rely on physically centralised servers, the Streamr Network is run by individual nodes, who provide bandwidth to power the network in exchange for DATA. An app subscribes to the network to handle its data messaging, and the individual nodes in the network receive rewards for their bandwidth contribution and tokens staked.

The rest of this article is available on Streamr’s blog:

Originally published at blog.streamr.network on March 3, 2022.

