Announcing two new Data Marketplace vendors: EcoSteer & 1Forge

Ilmari Kontulainen
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2018
Streamr and Partners at Consensus celebrating after the marketplace launch

Today Streamr is pleased to officially announce two new products on our Data Marketplace — EcoSteer and 1Forge. Before we give more details about what each product can offer potential data buyers, let me say that over the coming months, Streamr will be putting extra resources into aiding vendors onboard to our newly launched Data Marketplace. As Streamr CEO, Henri Pihkala said earlier this week in a comprehensive roundup of our recent achievements and next steps:

We are in the process of developing additional tutorials and other functions within our Marketplace so new users can get acquainted more easily and begin using a platform that truly works for them.

If our aim is to become the eBay of data streams — to build the platform that sits at the centre of the planet’s realtime data conversations — then we obviously have some way to go. The great news is that organisations are already becoming familiar with our product now it is tangible in MVP form. We have also begun drawing up a set of functions data vendors and buyers have told us they want. And of course our community has also fed back into the process and for that we are incredibly grateful.

If you haven’t used the marketplace already, you can access it here. You can also learn how to list products on the Marketplace in this three part blog series

  1. How to connect data to Streamr in 5 minutes
  2. Three patterns for integrating your data to Streamr
  3. How to sell your Streams on the Marketplace
Views of the Streamr Marketplace: Browse, Product Detail, and My Products

So let me introduce the newest data vendors on the Streamr marketplace for realtime data. The first of those is 1Forge. You can find their data product on the Marketplace here.

Welcome to 1Forge

1Forge was founded in Southeast Michigan and is now located in Portland, Oregon. While developing mobile and web applications, they discovered an oligopoly in financial data. Few had access to it, and those that did overcharged for it tremendously. They were determined to change that.

“We’re still the only data provider that can deliver true FIX-protocol speeds over WebSocket and REST API, and we do it at a fraction of the cost of other providers,” 1Forge told Streamr.

What are the typical use cases for 1Forge’s data?

Their forex data is currently used by thousands of firms and individuals across the globe, and the uses are very broad. The most common use cases are:

  • High-frequency trading
  • Use in mobile or web applications
  • Candlestick pattern recognition
  • Currency conversion for e-commerce
  • Paper trade execution
  • Operating binary options houses

This is what they said about Streamr:

We were very excited when we heard about Streamr’s Marketplace and what you are trying to do: You’re taking away bulky, expensive middlemen and making a truly open data marketplace. And, you’re using really exciting technology to do it! Needless to say, it was very important to us that our data was available on Streamr from day one. It’s a great technological feat, and your corporate values aligned very well with ours, so cooperation was very easy-going.

Find out more about 1Forge here:

Streamr CEO & Partners at the moment of the Marketplace Launch

Hello EcoSteer

Our second vendor to announce is EcoSteer. They are an IIoT (Industrial IoT) software company with offices in Italy and the US who provide a key software product, the EcoFeeder, which converts any kind & number of sensors and industrial devices into realtime data streams. Those streams are then instantly accessible to multiple applications and enable the creation of global scale, collaborative solutions for the management of highly distributed assets & infrastructures. You can find their showcase data product on the Marketplace here. Further streams, direct from their clients will be added in time.

When it comes to IIoT, most companies are currently missing out by keeping a narrow focus on automation and optimisation, typically with a siloed, ad hoc approach.

An essential enabling factor is the ability to share data originated by (potentially millions of) industrial devices amongst any number of different stakeholders. Another is the ability to obtain device data capable of supporting different kind of applications, from traditional business intelligence to realtime ‘sense and respond’ scenarios.

The availability of realtime device data streams plays a central role in this says EcoSteer’s CEO Elena Pasquali:

Think of a water stream, compared to a lake. That’s what a data stream is compared to a traditional data set. While static data sets can only be used for retrospective analysis, device data flowing in real time can be used to support any kind of business application, including real time ‘sense and respond’ processes…

Streamr allows EcoFeeder owners to share and ‘tokenize’ these data streams, supporting the creation of new data driven revenue models as well as the deployment of collaborative industrial ecosystems.

You can find more on EcoSteer here:

