Dev Update June

Aapeli Haanpuu
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2018
From left to right: Juha, Aapeli (aka me), Jarmo, Kare and Henri, discussing the World Cup. (Okay departmental strategy, which is actually way more fun given Finland isn’t in the tournament).

Welcome to the Streamr developer update — Summer edition!

After two really hectic months - April and May - the developer team has taken June a bit easier. Most of the month has passed with us writing tests and otherwise paying back our technical debt caused by the busy schedule of the Marketplace launch. The company retreat in Switzerland in the end of June was also a really good addition to the month. Even though it slowed down the creation of actual lines of code, we had plenty of in-depth conversation about development practices and the project’s next steps. And yes, we also had some fun which included, climbing a mountain and going tobogganing.

But despite having a slower month we still managed to get some actual development under our belts. Below is our customary detailed list.

P.S. Because of so many developers having their holidays in July there will be no developer update for that month. See you again at the beginning of September for August’s update!

Post-it notes from our Marketplace retrospective workshop where we did not resolve the seeming paradox → not enough time/hit deadline.


  • Admin tools for viewing and managing running canvases on a E&E node or multiple E&E nodes (multi-node setup)
  • Identify, investigate, and fix memory leak in Engine-and-Editor


  • Talked at Ethereum community conf, and at blockchain meetup
  • Participated in EIB blockchain hackathon
  • Streamr publicity work in Ethereum developer scene


  • Write unit tests for multiple action, reducer and service files
  • Write unit tests for some container components


  • Terraform refactoring to support staging (Network/Load balancers/MySql)
  • Terraform automation user privileges analyses
  • Golem + Streamr integration analyses
  • Terraform refactoring to support staging (Zookeeper/Redis)


  • Write unit tests
  • Help setting up the end-to-end testing environment for Marketplace
  • Improve the dev environment
  • Fix a bug because of which the allowance of the Marketplace was sometimes not calculated correctly


  • Visual regression testing setup
  • Module unit testing
  • Marketplace support & debugging


  • Bug fixing
  • Write base for unit testing Redux modules
  • Writing unit tests
  • Adding support for translating the Marketplace (i18n)


  • Migrate Editor out of Engine and Editor into new Repo
  • Add & update Routing to make the existing React components in Editor a SPA
  • Update Editor source to match marketplace linting rules
  • Refactor Editor source to match marketplace structure
  • Update dependencies and fix all React-based Editor tests
Streamr MTS — Mega Team Selfie.


  • Implement end-to-end testing
  • Move tests from src in root
  • Made proposal to use Prettier for development
  • Fixed a bug when saving a product


  • Add unit tests for edit product and product list modules
  • Fix bug in subscription fetching
  • Remove API key from local storage

