Dev Update March

Aapeli Haanpuu
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

Welcome back to our monthly development update. A few weeks ago, in Transmission 5, our CEO, Henri Pihkala, announced that we’d managed to halve the development time needed to create a functioning Marketplace. I was with him in London when he made the announcement and presented the rest of our plans, to create a larger decentralised infrastructure, to dozens of developers at King’s College London.

Henri doing his thang at King’s College London in March

Most development teams fall far behind deadlines, so I won’t lie. It’s been super tough over these last few weeks and months, trying to make sure we were able to race ahead. It’s placed a lot of pressure on us but thankfully we now have even more developers to add to our core team.

Consequently, we’re really happy to welcome Mikhael Santos, Matthew Fontana and Tuomas Koponen to the Streamr development team! Mikhael has started working on DevOps, whereas Matthew and Tuomas have started developing the Marketplace UI.

Below you’ll find the rest of the technical progress the team’s made during the last month. If you have any questions, please feel free to join us on our dev orientated Rocket Chat. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Oh, and April’s development will be published just before the team heads off to New York, to Consensus 2018. So, stay tuned - we might have a few surprises in store for you then.

Transmission 5, hot damn London edition


  • Marketplace: Multiple new API endpoints
  • Marketplace: Product score (provides default ordering for product search results)
  • Marketplace: Assist Juuso in the testing of the Product flow (creating, purchasing, deleting)
  • Fix dashboard editor (websocket URL was off)
  • Work on setting up CI server (Jenkins) and fixing tests


  • Finalise Ethereum Identity UI
  • Test Java 8 compatibility
  • Fixing CI server issues
  • Show DATA and ETH balances for connected Ethereum accounts


  • Marketplace: Implement search and filter functionalities
  • Marketplace: Add login and dummy authentication
  • Marketplace: Add simple create product flow


  • Create a view on the Stream page, which shows the latest events of a Stream in realtime
  • Continue rebranding of the landing page
  • Marketplace: Worked with web3 based interactions (eg. buying and creating a product)


  • Prepared and pushed the Rocket.Chat brand/channel update
  • Fixed twitter bot for Rocket.Chat
  • Marketplace: Added product search/filtering to the mock API
  • Marketplace: Added filters and sorting to the Marketplace


  • Marketplace: The smart contract and back-end work continues
  • Marketplace: Support for USD and DATA pricing
  • Helping onboarding and buying gear for our new guys. Welcome Mikhael, Matthew and Tuomas to the team!


  • Introduction to Streamr
  • Analyse current development flow
  • Setup TravisCI continuous integration for Engine & Editor
  • Add Java8 support to engine-editor testing
  • Setup Terraform Deployment base in staging environment
  • Bug cleanup


  • Marketplace onboarding
  • Marketplace editor page building & refactoring


  • Marketplace onboarding

