ETH Online Hackathon Streamr Builders

Tom Hamilton
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2022

We were delighted to sponsor ETH Global’s ETH Online 2022 hackathon, offering three tiers of prizes to Web3 developers who build with the Streamr Network. The Streamr protocol has a wide range of applications for Web3 projects, such as implementing real-time chat features and notifications, or collecting and sharing distributed node metrics, so it’s always interesting to see what people build with it.

Here are the top three builds from the ETH Global Hackathon.

🥇 ETL Network

ETL Network is a decentralised network of nodes that work together to facilitate an ETL (extract, transform, load) network. Real-time data is extracted from multiple sources-such as Polygon, Ethereum, or Streamr-and transformed into a processed, validated, and stored on-chain dataset used to move on-chain assets and update blockchain state.

The goal of the network is to provide a more transparent alternative to traditional oracle networks for producing on-chain data and transactions from off-chain sources. This is because many oracle networks require a centralised API to expose some post-processed data for a Smart Contract to retrieve from, which results in a centralised authority governing and controlling its movement. Not very Web3!

The ETL Network removes this need for a central API by collating event data directly from integrated Blockchains and the Streamr Network, and processing it through public Javascript functions to deduce instructions for destination blockchains. The network then reaches a consensus on whether the outcome of the processed data should result in a transaction on the blockchains. With this solution, ELT Network is able to decentralize the data processing side of the entire engagement.

Why Streamr?

“As to our choice on Streamr, we fundamentally need a way to move event data from off-chain sources like web, mobile, and server to a decentralised network of nodes. Streamr is a data transport network, automatically orders event data delivery by time, and is fault tolerant as it’s a decentralised pub/sub.” -ETL Team

🥈 StorCrypt

StorCrypt built a file encryption service which allows users to upload their files on IPFS in an encrypted way and allow them to retrieve them whenever they require. The team enabled logging with several DIDs present in the ecosystem to demonstrate the power of composable storage layers like IPFS. StorCrypt also produced a low-level SDK and micro-service for developers in the ecosystem to build with.

The team used the Streamr protocol to allow the different chosen services to communicate with each other over an encrypted pub/sub data stream, and to comply with the event-driven architecture. Polygon was the chosen blockchain to manage on-chain activities.

Why Streamr?

“For StorCrypt we wanted a reliable and decentralized pub-sub service for interaction between our microservices, and Streamr seemed like a perfect fit for us”-StorCrypt

🥉 ChariTV

ChariTV is a decentralized streaming platform where creators can set up charity-based streams for social, environmental, and economic causes. The team is attempting to use Web3 technology to improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of livestream-based fundraising-an area that on occasions has raised concerns around funds reaching their intended destinations and in unfair proportions.

The video streams are powered by the Web3 streaming service, Livepeer. The Streamr Network protocol is deployed within the streaming platform to manage the live chat and chat notification functionality, keeping the underlining technology within the Web3 ecosystem.

Why Streamr?

“As we were creating a Streaming platform from scratch, we needed a powerful websocket service for notifications and to manage several services. Streamr provided us this, and what’s more important, in a decentralized way.” -ChariTV Team

It was brilliant to see such promising projects emerge from the ETH Online hackathon, and we hope to see the teams develop their ideas further in the near future. If you’d like to know more about how you can build with Streamr, then join the community and fire a question at the team on Discord.

Originally published at on October 5, 2022.

