Golem and Streamr to cooperate

Risto Karjalainen
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2017

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in our blockchain life, it’s the immense value of the community. We’re really excited about the opportunity to work with the talented people in the space, and to help build resilient and decentralized infrastructure to power the hugely scalable Ðapps of tomorrow.

We’re also humble in front of such prospects. We’re working on the frontiers of software technology and cryptographic methodology, and we fully realize that there’s lots of hard work in front of us.

Given the challenges we face, we’re absolutely delighted to have found a great partner to work with. Many of our readers are undoubtedly familiar with Golem, one of the true pioneers in decentralized computing. A while ago, Streamr and Golem teams were introduced to each other by common friends, and a number of stimulating meetings and brainstorming sessions ensued.

In these meetings it has become abundantly clear that there is a great amount of overlap between the two teams’ visions and roadmaps. As announced yesterday, Golem and Streamr have therefore decided to formally co-operate on the shared part of the technology stack. Read the full story in a guest appearance by Henri (Streamr CEO) on the Golem blog here.

Photo the courtesy of La Fanfare en Pétard.

If you want to keep track of the cooperation with Golem and about Streamr in general, please join our Slack channel. Fists in the air!



Risto Karjalainen
Editor for

Silta chairman and Streamr co-founder. Ph.D., behavioural finance, machine learning, professional quant, decentralized computing, DeFi.