Introducing the new Streamr Data Fund

Tom Hamilton
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2020

The Streamr Data Fund provides funds to people and projects working with the Streamr stack to create and support real-time data projects. As it stands, there are 7.5 million DATA tokens left to award to prospective builders from an initial pot of 10 million.

Funds are awarded in two tiers:

Quick response grants offer up to $5,000 USD and they are available for building integrations, demo apps, adding quality free data sources to the marketplace, research, other community initiatives, and other smaller projects.

Project grants offer up to $50,000 USD, and they are available to fund applications, data tools, and other larger projects.

To apply, send a submission using the application form on the new landing pageand a member of the team will be in touch to discuss your proposal with you and answer any questions. For larger projects, Streamr can offer guidance and feedback on how to structure your proposal before the final funding decision.

See the FAQ on the landing page to learn more or you can get in touch here if you have any questions.

New Data Fund awardees

Since we’ve restructured the grant structure, we have accepted two submissions: a health and wellness Data Union called Xolo, and a tutorial series that utilises the API Explorer to generate a lightweight wrapper library for the .NET ecosystem.

It’s early days for Xolo — the project is in its first weeks of development and is going to be the world’s first Data Union to monetise wellness metrics, like heartbeat data. We’ll be sharing more details as the project matures.

The tutorial series was funded to grow developer adoption in .NET by providing clear tutorials on how to perform some basic operations on Streamr using the API generator tool to quickly generate the necessary boilerplate code. This ties into our larger vision of creating as many data onramps as possible so that developers can integrate Streamr into their apps quickly and efficiently.

Why the change in format?

Formerly the Community Fund, the Streamr Data Fund has been updated and its management has been brought into Streamr. It was a pleasure to work with many enthusiastic admins from the Streamr community, but we felt this change was needed to streamline the onboarding process and make it more attractive to prospective builders.

We look forward to reading your proposals!

Originally published at on November 10, 2020.

