News: Realtime Data Marketplace Launch & Streamr Partners with Nokia + OSIsoft

Shiv Malik
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018

Streamr today launched its realtime data Marketplace that connects data producers and consumers. The launch took place on-stage at Consensus in New York, and was followed by the announcement of industry-leading partnerships with Nokia, the multinational telecommunications, information technology and consumer electronics company, and OSIsoft, the industry’s trusted leader in operational intelligence.

Streamr’s partnership with Nokia will see the development of the next generation of mobile base stations and enable Nokia customers to monetise their data while the partnership with OSIsoft will focus on enabling better sharing of realtime data between the organisations that OSIsoft currently serves with its PI System software. This announcement comes as Hewlett Packard Enterprise recently partnered with Streamr to monetise vehicle data in realtime.

Commenting on the announcement, Streamr CEO, Henri Pihkala said, “The launch of our Marketplace represents a pivotal moment for our platform and underlines our commitment to driving the future of data utilisation and monetisation. To realise our vision of a sustainable, equitable, and efficient data economy, we needed to create a space in which buyers and sellers could come together freely, and today we have achieved just that.”

Streamr’s Marketplace is a web-based application where data providers can list real-time data streams, and data consumers can subscribe and pay for access to those data streams. Pricing schedule and time-based access control are coded in Ethereum smart contracts. By using Streamr’s cryptographic token, DATA, it is possible to make data streams around the globe freely tradeable.

By partnering with Nokia, Streamr will play a role in building the next generation of mobile base stations. A multinational telecommunications, information technology and consumer electronics company, Nokia is shaping the technologies at the heart of the connected world to transform the human experience. By integrating Nokia’s Kuha transportable base stations into Streamr’s data Marketplace, Nokia customers will be able to monetize their data while receiving a better offer when it comes to connecting to a range of IoT sensors and devices. Users of the base stations will be able to buy and sell data worldwide.

“Providing smart mobile coverage for up to four billion individuals across the world is a major challenge and current solutions don’t go far enough. We recognise a growing movement of empowered mobile customers who want to control and monetise their own data. Our partnership with Streamr reflects our firm belief in the platform, as well as our commitment to better serve our customers,” said Martti Ylikoski, Radio System Evolution Lead at Nokia.

In addition, Streamr is partnering with OSIsoft to enable new business cases and data sharing solutions. A proven leader in enabling operational intelligence, OSIsoft delivers an open enterprise infrastructure and PI System to connect sensor-based data, systems, and people, resulting in real time, actionable insights that empower companies to optimize and transform their business.

OSIsoft own and run the software that powers plant information systems for over 1,000 leading companies in mining, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, power generation and manufacturing. OSIsoft’s PI System is a suite of software products that are used for data collection, historicising, finding, analysing, delivering, and visualising. It is essentially an enterprise infrastructure for management of real-time data and events.

“By integrating OSIsoft’s PI System with the Streamr Marketplace, we take a step toward offering our customers the ability to share and monetise their operations data. The partnership with Streamr demonstrates how our PI system can plug into an open source platform and highlights our commitment to empowering our customers to maximise the value of their business operations data. Together with Streamr, we can be the enablers of innovation in the ever-evolving data market,” said Richard Beeson, CTO of OSIsoft.”

“Today marks a hugely significant day in Streamr’s history, not only showcasing our platform to the world on-stage at Consensus but announcing two stellar partnerships that underline our bold ambition to build the world’s leading, citizen friendly, data ecosystem. It is a great honour to work alongside Nokia and OSIsoft and we look forward to shaping the future of the data economy,” added Pihkala.



Shiv Malik

CEO of Pool instigating Data Unions. Author. Broadcaster. Former investigative journalist. Passionate about economics, decentralization & mutualism.