Streamr Technical Update, 29th April 2022

Tom Hamilton
2 min readApr 29, 2022


Let’s take a look at what’s been happening on the Streamr network and application layers in the past few weeks!

If you missed the previous April update, you can find it here.

For more technical insights, you might also like to join the upcoming developer AMA (date TBC) with Co-Founder Henri Pihkala. Please add your questions in the #dev-AMA channel on Discord.

On the Network layer

  • Working on stake-weighted allocation policy for bounty smart contracts.
  • Working on getting more metrics from Light nodes.
  • Implementation work on ‘trackerless’ track has started, RPC layer is pretty much ready. Started to simulate Kademlia networks with mocked connections. Now working on parallelising the Kademlia algorithm and implementing the connection manager.
  • Finished protobuf-based RPC prototype.
  • Reward code publishing crashed and was down for ~12 hours during the night between Easter Sunday and Monday.
  • A bug was discovered in the JS client where data was not encrypted by default. This was fixed in version 6.0.3 of the client. Added more tests to ensure this default is maintained.
  • Fixed a bug in the resend. All client method, to be included in the 7.0 client.
  • Aiming to include the 7.0 client in the next release of the Broker and CLI tool packages.
  • Working on using the GSN (Gas Station Network) to enable gas-less meta-transactions for interactions with the on-chain stream registry.

On the application layer

  • Marketplace watcher fixed and deployed on Polygon and Gnosis.
  • Marketplace Uniswap adapter deployed on Polygon and Gnosis.
  • All the on-chain components are now ready for multichain Marketplace / Hub with Polygon and Gnosis support.
  • Data Union features will be removed from Streamr client library version 7.0 and replaced with a separate Data Union client library under the Data Union DAO.
  • Stream page fixes deployed.
  • Fixing Core app WalletConnect integration, then adding Coinbase Wallet integration.
  • Started on multichain Marketplace frontend components.
  • UX and stability improvements to the Chat app-ready to move into an internal testing phase.

Want to learn more about Streamr and how to run a node and participate in the Brubeck Mainnet? Join the discussion and find your new home channel on Discord, and please give us a follow on Twitter.

Originally published at on April 29, 2022.

