StreamTeam month #1 roundup: what’s new for you in December?

Mark L
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2022

StreamTeam month #1 is complete! Well done Streamrs and congrats to our winners of the first ever StreamTeam marketing contest! Let’s dive into the learnings from November and the new features added.

Show me the numbers! 📊

Over 25,000 Streamrs signed up on the StreamTeam app and contributed an average of over 23 actions per user. That’s over half a million marketing actions added to the Streamr ecosystem. Wow!

You also shared the good vibes with your frens, with each core StreamTeam community member successfully referring an average of 15 of their friends. ’Tis the season after all!

Who was feeling lucky? There were 3,672 jackpot wins last month. If your lucky day didn’t arrive, there’ll be plenty of chances to spin and win this month!

Show me the features! 🎛

StreamTeamers will find a host of new actions to complete in December, with greater rewards for the more studious among you in the pipeline. The Streamr Network is no easy beast to comprehend, so we’ll soon be adding actions that give bonuses to deep-diving into how it all fits together. Earning while learning? Yes please!

It wasn’t all good vibes though as a few bad eggs attempted to spoil the omelet with an unhealthy sprinkling of bots. The StreamTeam devs worked tirelessly to remove any cheaters and tighten up the app’s defenses. Thanks to their efforts, I’m pleased to report that things have never looked less bot friendly! 👾

We’d also like to thank all of our Discord admins for their efforts in removing the low effort “hi” and “good project” Discord comment spam. If you’re one of these commenters, we’re glad that you feel the need to be friendly, but in future, please avoid adding one word messages in the community — it really doesn’t contribute much. Thank you!

Show me the rewards! 🎁

Well done to the top Streamrs this month who made the summit of the leaderboard. The competition was stiff, so you’ve earned your place:

🥇 airdrop

🥈 freemejankari296

🥉 airdropper35

Rewards have now been sent to all successful StreamTeamers. There was an accounting error that led to rewards being sent in a DATA amount rather than $ worth of DATA. This has since been corrected, so if your holiday stocking was looking a little light the first time, be sure to check again!

However, if your StreamTeam rewards are still shown as pending, it is likely because you have not added a valid wallet address to your account. If you add a wallet, these tokens, along with any earned this month, will be released together in the next payment window in early 2023.

It isn’t just DATA that can be won in StreamTeam, winners can also receive StreamrAwards, a unique kind of sNFT to acknowledge contributions to the ecosystem. Read more in this thread:

Good luck out there StreamTeamers and let’s make it a great finish to 2023!

While you’re here, be sure to check out some of the other ways to earn and win with Streamr and Web3!

