StreamTeam v2.0: everything you need to know!

Mark L
Published in
5 min readMar 8, 2023

StreamTeam 👉 Get started here

Following a successful launch of StreamTeam v1.0 in early November last year and over 150k sign ups — we took a break in February as we re-built some of the core aspects of the app.

But why? Well, we needed the app to start delivering against the network core objectives — one of which is node growth on the supply side of the network.

The Streamr Network enjoys more than 5,500 nodes at the time of writing, which is a healthy number. Nevertheless, the more nodes in the network, the more secure and decentralized it will become.

What’s in it for me?

The underlying mission of StreamTeam v2.0 is all about Web3 education — we’re taking you on a journey from Web3 beginner to fully fledged decentralist #wagmi

StreamTeam is a learn and earn platform that teaches those with zero technical knowledge how to set up and manage Streamr nodes.

If you took part in StreamTeam v1.0 — you’ll know the platform rewards you with Data Points (DP’s) as you complete the daily actions. Those DP’s convert to $DATA tokens at the end of every month.

This time around — the daily actions help you learn how to to stake those $DATA tokens on your new nodes. The staking process gains you monthly $DATA rewards and are paid out to your nodes directly in return for helping secure and further decentralize the Streamr Network.

That means you not only earn via the StreamTeam app — but you earn double as you enjoy additional $DATA rewards on your earned and staked tokens. Nice.

From May 2023 we have made these changes to the game;

  • Instead of 5 tiers, there are now only 3. We have done this to make it easier to navigate and proceed through the educational tiers.
  • One of the very first actions we ask you to complete is to set up a node. This means you can earn more Data Points (DP’s) up front — by contributing to the Streamr network.
  • Following feedback from the community — we have significantly reduced the points rewards for referrals. This means you can’t win the monthly content simply by inviting lots of new sign ups. The best way to win and earn Data Points (that later convert to $DATA tokens) is to learn how to set up multiple Streamr nodes — that’s the ‘name of the game’!
  • Following feedback from the community —we have cancelled carry over points from the previous month’s competition. This was giving an unfair advantage to certain players and by doing this we give everyone a fair chance of winning each month.
  • We have changed our internal processes so that we can make the payouts more quickly. Previously, players were having to wait until week2 of the following month, now we should be able to make payouts a few days after the end of the month. But if we are late please bear with us, we are a small and super busy team.

How do I get started?

As before, it’s super simple to get started. Simply go to, sign up and follow the instructions.

You can login via Web3 wallet, but if you really must you can also login with your Google or Twitter credentials (boooo!).

StreamTeam v2.0

There are now 3 tiers to the game with multiple acitons inside each tier. The good news is these actions are a step by step guide on how to set up and run Streamr nodes, designed to make it easy for less technical node runners. The bad news is there are short tests to pass at the end of these Tiers. But if you have been paying attention, you should sail through these.

We also ask you to swap a small amount of $DATA and $MATIC — these tokens are needed to access the token gated

Streamr’s new decentralised chat application

Speaking of which — if you get stuck, all you need to do is jump into room on Streamr’s shiny new decentralized chat application — there the community will help you out. Don’t know how to do that? We got you covered; it’s one of the new actions on StreamTeam.

As you progress through the contest, you will set up your first node in Tier 1 and then multiple nodes in Tier 2. All the time you will be gaining more and more Data Points (which later convert to $DATA) as you do so.

Tier 3 is the final level and reserved for the node masters. Hope to see you there a few months from now and good luck!

StreamTeam 👉 Get started here


  • There are no StreamTeam or Streamr airdrops.
  • Verify you are ONLY using official StreamTeam channels by visiting this blog and directly following the URL of the channels listed at the bottom.
  • If in doubt, always check the URL — our properties are hosted on the website. e.g. Streamteam is at, our blog is at etc.
  • For social media platforms such as Twitter, Discord and Telegram, verify the link from our website at
  • Nobody connected with StreamTeam or Streamr will send you a direct message without asking for permission beforehand.
  • Watch out for impersonators and don’t trust any people, links, or websites without verifying first. Only websites hosted on the domain are verified.
  • NEVER SHARE your private keys and or personal information.
  • Most scammers require you granting them access. Be careful when signing from your Web3 wallet, this can give permissions to scammers to control your wallet.
  • If anything sounds suspicious, stop, think, ask to authenticate, report, and if in ANY doubt, walk away. Consider seeking advice from Streamr representatives and the community.
  • This competition is strictly not suitable for people under the age of 18.
  • Participation is at your own risk. You are responsible for ensuring your safety and compliance with local laws and customs. Do your own research.
  • Nothing here constitutes financial advice of any kind.
  • We reserve the right to cancel or amend the competition at any time.


StreamTeam 👉 Get started here

