Which Streamr online community is best for you?

Joel Willans
6 min readMar 6, 2018


At Streamr, we’re very lucky to have an amazing community. This includes everyone from token holders and crypto fans to developers and Blockchain enthusiasts. One thing that unites them all is their belief in our vision of a truly democratic real-time data economy. It’s thanks to them that we’re able to drive our project forward and develop our ideas. Needless to say, this ever-growing community can be found in a wide variety of places online, all of which tend to attract different audiences. So, if you’re interested in our project and want to meet like-minded individuals, where should you go? To answer that question, we’ve put together this handy guide.


Twitter is, of course, a major social platform, ideal for making announcements and keeping up with what’s happening in the space. If you’re already on Twitter, you can follow our official feed, where we share all the latest news and views about Streamr, as well as interesting links to stories about us and our partners. If you’d like to follow key players within Streamr, you can also find our CEO, Henri Pihkala, our Founder, Nikke Nylund, our CDO Matt Innes and our Head of Communications, Shiv Malik. To get a snapshot of everything Streamr, simply follow #Streamr. We often post under #$DATA too. We also welcome direct feedback and opinions on Twitter, but due to the format and restrictions of the platform, we usually have more detailed discussions elsewhere.

Streamr official Twitter account


We have two official Telegram channels in English. Streamr Official is read only and where we post announcements, news and updates. Our second channel, Streamr Data, is always very vibrant and very active. At time of writing, it has nearly 1100 members and plenty more joining daily. It’s the perfect place to jump in and discuss Streamr and DATAcoin related topics with a fantastic group of blockchain aficionados. We also have five unofficial channels in different language channels:

German: @streamrdeutsch
Brasil: @streamrbrasil
Russian: @streamrdatarus
Spanish: @streamrdataesp
Chinese: @data_streamrcn

However, if you want to speculate about the price of DataCoin, you’ll need to do it elsewhere, such as on Streamr Moontalk. This channel is jam packed with moon and Lambo memes, but neither affiliated, endorsed nor moderated by us.

Notable community members

Once you’ve signed up to Streamr Data, you’ll doubtless come across Robin. Along with RP, he launched the Telegram chat and has been a staunch Streamr supporter from Day 1. You’ll also bump into Sason, who’s always game for a laugh and has a passion for apples, and Armin who makes fellow Germans feel at home. We like to think of our Telegram chat as a friendly bar where everyone knows your name and you’re always welcome. While our Community Manager, Amandine, doesn’t serve beers, she is always on hand to help and is happy to answer any questions you might have.

Streamr's official Telegram channels


The Streamr subreddit was launched last year and serves as an official forum-style communications platform. Reddit offers a hub for a growing number of crypto-related projects, plus pretty much everything else under the sun. Discussions on Reddit end up as artefacts and a record of the project’s development in a much more permanent and accessible way than the other channels. In other words, thoughtful discussions on Reddit are valuable, because they become available to search engines and for anyone to find, months or even years down the road. To contribute to discussions or post links, you’ll need to sign up for Reddit. But if you’d just like to check things out, you can simply head on over and watch from a distance.

Notable community members

There you’ll find Streamr stalwarts such as Whenmoon who has an uncanny knack of posting Streamr related stories before anyone else, and Ethereumcpw who shares a plethora of fascinating stories about big data, Ethereum and crypto in general.

Streamr's official subreddit


Rocket.Chat is our official chat server, which was essential for our crowdfunding last year. As of now, Rocket.Chat is the go-to place for interaction with our developers and other technical participants in our project. It includes four chat rooms each with a specific purpose.


Here our tech oriented moderators will be present and ready to have discussions with anyone who ventures into our open source repositories on GitHub. (They’ll often be joined by dev team members too). As our open source codebase grows and integrates with an increasing number of features laid out in our whitepaper, we hope Rocket.Chat becomes a welcoming and informative space for pioneers in the decentralised Internet of Things and data economy. As a way of giving back to our community, we’re now celebrating our most outstanding members every month on Rocket.Chat and rewarding them with a Ruuvi tag pack. To win, you just need be the most active, share useful use case ideas, create your own project, or help us improve the Editor or Marketplace.

Notable community members

In our Rocket.Chat you’ll find the most technically-minded of our community. There are people like Kafka, a designer who enjoys exploring UI/UX and analysing Streamr use cases. What’s more, if you have questions or queries, the ever present Amandine, our Community Manager, is on hand to help or to ask our developers on your behalf.

Streamr's official Rocket.Chat server


YouTube needs no explanation. As you’d expect, it’s the place where we post all our video content. This includes our monthly update, Transmission, where our CEO Henri Pihkala shares news about the progress of our project, partners and events. Our much-loved Meet the Team series is also featured here, along with videos of events and partner interviews. You’ll also find plenty of commentary from supporters and casually curious viewers, alike. Besides voicing their opinions, one especially amazing way community members help out is by submitting subtitles in different languages. This is an invaluable service and one we’re incredibly thankful for. If you’d like to join this effort please let us know and prepare for a big Streamr group hug whenever we meet up.

Streamr official Youtube channel


As those who get their code will know, GitHub is a massive and popular platform for development, open source and otherwise. It’s enabled by the Git source control system (the other, less known brainchild of Linus Torvalds). Our open source repositories will reside on GitHub, in a real-time fashion. Needless to say, this community acts as purveyors of a canonical archive of code for other developers. Community participation, such as pull requests and issues will be accepted, under policies we’ll elaborate on at a later date. However, more general discussions on how, why and when to do stuff with the code are best posted at Rocket.Chat.

Streamr's open source Github repository

We hope this has given you a clearer picture of the Streamr community in all its multi-varied glory. It’s full of truly passionate people contributing fascinating ideas, opinions, and expertise. We really can’t do this without them, so if you’d like to get involved please join us. Every single person who shares Streamr stories on their social media channels, or who translates, or who chats about the project with others, or who simply shares feedbacks helps bring success ever closer. So, why not head on over and see which part of the Streamr community is best for you.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Website https://www.streamr.com/
Faqs https://www.streamr.com/faq
Blog https://blog.streamr.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/streamrinc
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/streamr
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/streamr/
Rocket Chat https://chat.streamr.com
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/4002029/
Telegram https://t.me/streamrofficial
Telegram chat: https://t.me/streamrdata



Joel Willans

CoFounder of @InkTankMedia + @InkTankFinland Author of Spellbound + 101 Very Finnish Problems. Creator of @SoVeryFinnish + @SoVeryBrexit. Lover of coffee + cake