How to be a Better Viewer on Twitch. Pt 1.

INDIE - Dan Long
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018
You an be a better Twitch viewer, just like this guy!

Watching Twitch is an amazing experience and nowadays, there are so many types of content to watch from eSports, gameplay and developer interviews to IRL, creative and even workout streams. The people that stream on Twitch work hard and put their heart and soul into their broadcasts and communities, and as a viewer, you want to show them your appreciation for entertaining you.

We’ve got some tips for how you can be a better viewer on Twitch. Part 1 has some things you shouldn’t do as a Twitch viewer and then in Part 2, we’ll go into some things you can do to make Twitch a better experience, not just for you, but for the streamers and the community as a whole.

Backseat gaming

I know you are just trying to help by giving useful tips because maybe you are better at the game or have more time playing, but please don’t do this.

Try and look at it from the perspective of you, sitting there playing a game and your older brother, that’s already beaten the game or has been playing for way longer than you, just starts telling you “it’s better to do this,” or “don’t do that.”

It’s annoying, right?

Hey! Play this game instead!

Hey, you should play a different game!

Coming into a stream and saying things like “this is boring” or “you should play a different game” is pretty rude.

How would you like it if you were on stage singing and someone came in and said “this sucks” to you?

It wouldn’t feel very good, would it?

You only have this many viewers?

The same thing goes for saying “You have X amount of viewers, why is only X people talking?” or, “You have X amount of followers and only X viewers?”

Streamers work really hard to grow their community and the feeling when you are growing is amazing. When you don’t feel like you are growing or you are going backwards, it’s something to struggle with and pointing it out is just plain rude.

Hey, come check out my stream.

Promoting your stream in another stream is a big nono and it will have the exact opposite effect than what you want. It will actually make people purposely not come to watch you. You are basically trying to hijack viewers.

Again, think of it like you were on stage with a band and someone came in and started handing out flyers for their band which is going to start playing down the road in 5 minutes.

Not cool.

Shhhh. Whisper it instead.

Hey! Why’d I get timed out/banned?

So, you or your friend got timed out or even banned from someone’s stream! Maybe you want to ask why or maybe you want make some kind of defense. This is totally OK to do but don’t do it in the chat! Chat is not the place for it.

The best way to ask a mod about something like this is in a whisper and don’t be a jerk about it, because that will lead you nowhere. Be polite and just state your case.

If you want to ask the streamer directly, wait until after the stream and then send a whisper or PM. Don’t do it during the stream, that will just get you perma-banned and it will be all your fault.

We hope you enjoyed part 1 of How to be a Better Viewer on Twitch and if you have some insight or opinions or even more tips, please comment down below.



INDIE - Dan Long

Influencer, Social Media, Marketing and Community Management, PR, Partnered Twitch Broadcaster Contact me at