How to make your “My Story” video…

Waymon Johnson
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2018 uses Vimeo to upload the video for your My Story. This video will be used as a tool to help raise funds for your projects. Violations of any Vimeo Guidelines may lead to removal of your videos and/or your Vimeo account. Click the link to learn more about the guidelines

This video is simple and straightforward. It’s a chance to tell the investors your story. You want to show them that you are serious and prepared and capable of completing the project. Ready to tell your story below are some basic guidelines for your video.

1. Introduction
Introduce yourself and any similar projects you’ve completed.

2. Project Background
Tell investors about your current project requests and what are you trying to accomplished.

3. Project Goal
Layout a simple funding breakdown to let investors know your plan, which will help gain trust.

4. Why?
Tell investors why funding your project is so important to you and how you’re so passionate and committed to this project.


Below are tips on how to make your video standout.

1. Choose a professional thumbnail image for your project.
The project image will be the first part of the project that investors will see when browsing.

2. Get creative with your “My Story” video.
When storytelling about your project you want to be creative to help attract investors.

3. Consider adding captions and subtitles.
Adding captions and subtitles helps translate what you have to say.

