A Tale Of Romance Between Entropy And Gravity

The story of how a star is born!

Street Science


The word “Gravity” on the left and the word “entropy” on the right. Both these words combine to form the sun
A tale of romance between entropy and gravity — Illustrative art created by the author

Our plays, novels, and movies have done an excellent job of documenting the thrills and frills of human romance. But when it comes to documenting the cosmic romance between gravity and entropy, I feel there is much work to be done.

Our scientists have indeed done their job; I have no qualms there. But let’s be honest; scientific texts are not exactly known for their ability to capture metaphorical romances nor is it their goal. Which is why I am writing this series of essays.

We started with the question of whether God created the universe. This led us to explore the role of entropy in the big bang and why the universe creates low entropic phenomena like stars and planets while the cosmic entropy increases.

We just started probing the role of the most fundamental forces in this grand scheme of things:

1. Gravitational forces

2. Nuclear forces

My aim is to explore these forces in this essay. But before I get ahead of myself, let me start with a personal habit of mine.

The Morning Habit

Every morning after I wake up, I boil water in a kettle and make myself a hot drink with some lime/lemon and salt…

