How Did The Moon Come To Be?

An investigation into the formative years of the Earth and the Moon!

Street Science


How Did The Moon Come To Be? — A cartoon of a smiling baby moon to the left, and the text “The origins of the moon” to the right.
The origins of the moon — Illustrative art created by the author

If you have read my work before, you might know of my keen interest in the topic of Entropy. Research into entropy is a slippery slope; one topic leads to another, and I often find myself going down a rabbit hole, wondering how I spent so much time learning so little!

The latest rabbit-hole is my investigation into the formative years of the Earth. From what we know, the Moon did not exist during the early life of the Earth. That is crazy, right?! When I first learned this, I remarked:

“Wow! Imagine a time when there was no moon in the sky; that must have been strange.”

In hindsight, I find this remark quite ignorant (you’ll learn why later in this essay). But nonetheless, it was an important remark. You see, hidden deep inside that ignorance is curiosity — something very valuable.

I am a strong proponent of encouraging curiosity even at the cost of ignorance.

Curiosity is the flame that drives the engine of knowledge.

Before presenting what happened during the Earth and the Moon’s formative years, I feel the need to differentiate between what we know about this topic and what we think we know.

