How To Be A Good Technical Writer

The art of technical writing is not for everyone!

Street Science


How To Be A Good Technical Writer; The art of technical writing: It’s not for everyone!— A stick figure on the left exclaims happily, “I am a good technical writer”. A stick figure-like entity on the right exclaims “Me too!” This stick figure-like entity does not have a human head, but a block with “GPT” written on it.
I’m a technical writer! — Illustrative art created by the author

I have been working on “my” art of technical writing for a while now. After all this time, it has become abundantly clear to me that it is not everyone’s cup of tea. To understand why this is, we need to leave the land of technical writing and arrive at the land of writing.

This essay is about the beauty and challenge of writing; a fundamental form of communication. Everybody can write. Yet, not everyone can communicate meaningfully with their writing. Why is this? What empowers some people to communicate so effectively with their writing while many others struggle?

What makes some people “good” writers while many languish as “bad” writers? If these questions intrigue you, then join me in this discussion. By the end of this essay, I will also be tying all of this back to the art of “technical” writing — a very special form of communication. Let us begin.

Why is Writing “Art”?

I come from a scientific background. Yet, why is it that I refer to writing as “art”? Can science not define a “formula” for what makes for a good writer? Well, not quite.

It is probably much more effective if I illustrate this point rather than explaining it. Here is a two-sentence story for…

