How To Calculate Day Of The Week For Any Date?

Use this technique to show off to your friends!

Street Science


How To Calculate Day Of The Week For Any Date? — An image asking the question: On which day of the week does the following date fall? — 24/10/2022
Image created by the author

How would it be if you were able to calculate day of the week for any date? With a little bit of math and logic, anything is possible!

Before you start celebrating, be warned that this technique requires a little bit of effort and practice upfront. But once you understand it and have enough practice, you’ll be pulling off magic-trick-like performances in front of your friends at parties.

The algorithm that I will be demonstrating in this essay is called the Doomsday algorithm and was originally proposed by John Conway in 1973 (link in the references section at the end of the essay). Conway, in turn, had simplified a rule proposed by Lewis Carrol in 1872 to arrive at this algorithm.

The Doomsday algorithm is split into three significant steps:

1. Computing the Doomsday for a given date’s century year.

2. Computing the Doomsday for the specific year of the given date.

3. Computing the precise day of the week for the given date.

Let us begin by defining what a ‘Doomsday’ is.

Defining Doomsdays

