How To Learn Math? — Notes To My Younger Self

I wish someone had told me this when I was younger!

Street Science


How To Learn Math? — Notes To My Younger Self — A white board text reading “Solve for x (or just don’t)”
Solve for x — Illustration created by the author

As someone who works with mathematics on a daily basis, I constantly reflect upon what I now know about math that I wish I knew earlier. I know that hindsight is 20–20. But still, I think it is human nature to self-reflect and it feels unnatural to resist it.

Even if my younger self cannot realistically profit from this knowledge, if someone else can, it would be a net-positive outcome, right?

When I originally imagined how I would communicate with my younger self, I imagined myself writing notes to pass along. But then, I caught myself working with silly boundaries in a silly imaginary scenario.

Why does communication with my younger self have to be one-way? What if my younger self could communicate back to me?

If my younger self did indeed have the possibility to communicate with the current me, I am pretty certain he would sceptically ask the following question:

“So, what do you do now exactly? Why should I listen to you?

And that’s precisely where I would like to begin.

The Present

Good question, younger me! You don’t have to listen to me. I’m just an ordinary person…

