How To Quickly Calculate Percentages In The Head?

Use this method to save money at the supermarket!

Street Science


An image asking the question: What is 7% of 7200?
Image created by the author

How often do you typically need to quickly calculate percentages in the head? With the development of technology like smartphones, calculators, etc., you’d think that you would never have to do this. However, such situations occur more often than you think, and there is often money involved.

Consider a situation in a supermarket or a store where you are choosing between two comparable products. One product has an offer of 63% off of its maximum retail price, and the other has an offer of 13% off. If the money involved is a lot, we typically take out our phones or calculators to do the math. But for everyday products, we just can’t be bothered.

With the decision to not bother calculating, we often leave money on the table. In the worst case, we get manipulated by complex pricing tactics. A little money left on the table every time accumulates to a considerable sum over long periods. That’s precisely where the skill to quickly calculate percentages in the head would come in handy.

In this article, I’ll be taking you through a step-by-step process of how to do this. We will be implicitly using algebra, but there is no algebra knowledge required from you to be able to do this. You will realise at the end…

