How To Really Debunk Astrology Using The Barnum Effect

Defend yourself from psychological manipulation!

Street Science


How To Really Debunk Astrology Using The Barnum Effect — An image of a stick figure posing as a crystalballer and saying “You are sometimes too critical of yourself!” to another stick figure. The other stick figure seems to be panicking over the information.
Illustration created by the author

The Barnum Effect is a psychological phenomenon that explains why astrology and its family of pseudo-scientific practices are effective at convincing people.

A couple of years back, I took a standardised psychometric test to understand my personality traits better. The test was supposed to be rooted in proven psychological theories and statistical models.

At the end of the test, I got statistical results and descriptions of my personality traits. While I did not have access to the model data to prove the statistical results, the personality-trait-descriptions seemed odd. As I was reading through them, my scepticism-meter was tingling. I had the impression that I was reading through a horoscope from a gossip magazine.

This experience made me raise certain fundamental questions. And that is how I landed on literature covering the Barnum effect.

In this essay, we will be investigating the psychology behind the Barnum effect. As you read along, we will be debunking astrology and similar pseudo-scientific practices. By the end of the essay, you will have the tools to tackle any manipulative tactic that uses the Barnum effect (there are surprisingly many in day-to-day life).

