May The Fourth Be With You!

A look back at the long-forgotten world of Star Wars Math

Street Science


May The Fourth Be With You! — A cartoon sketch of R2D2 on the left and the words “Star Wars Math” on the right
Star Wars Math — Illustrative art created by the author

If you are a Star Wars fan like me, then may the force be with you. If you are not, then I am afraid that the revenge of the fifth is not far away.

Star Wars puns aside, I wanted to revisit a long-forgotten treasure on this day. Star Wars Math: Jabba’s Game Galaxy is a video game that launched for Windows and Mac in the year 2000.

It was a math-based educational video game aimed at children and developed by Lucas Learning. As far as the system requirements were concerned, the game was meant to run on computer systems with 32 Megabytes of RAM (Random Access Memory) at a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.

It is now 2024 and I am writing this essay on a computer that features 64 Gigabytes of RAM — a whopping 2000 times what this game requires! If we keep up this rate of technological progress, we might get to meet Jabba the Hutt in real life soon!

Without getting sidetracked too much though, let us get into the nuts and bolts of this video game.

The Lore

Jabba’s Game Galaxy is set in the world of the Phantom Menace featuring characters from the Planet Tatoonie. The journey begins as your ship gets damaged in an encounter with an asteroid field and…

