Perpetual Motion Machines: The Elusive Pursuit of Infinite Energy

The notion of Perpetual Motion Machines is incredibly useful!

Street Science


Perpetual Motion Machines: The Elusive Pursuit of Infinite Energy — An illustration showing a cute-looking steam engine on top and a modern-looking sports car with square wheels below. The word “Entropy” is written in a block in between these two figures.
Perpetual Motion Machines — Illustrative art created by the author

The pursuit of perpetual motion machines has captivated the minds of inventors, scientists, and dreamers alike for centuries. All along, it has also served as a rich source of science quacks as well. What is it about perpetual motion machines that bridges both good actors as well as the bad ones?

I will try to answer this question in a moment. But first, let me tell you about a fond childhood memory of mine. As a child, I dreamed of a spaceship that could traverse space eternally.

I did not know how it would achieve this. But I was certain that this was possible. As I grew up and learned more about the physics of our universe, my conviction dwindled.

It turns out that our known physics makes it nearly impossible, if not, impossible for a spaceship to traverse space eternally.

But does that mean that I should give up on the idea? You see, this line of thought is precisely what has been driving generations of inventors, scientists, and quacks alike on this elusive pursuit of perpetual motion machines.

In this essay, I will be exploring the notion of perpetual motion machines by linking their rather…

