Search Is Here To Stay

LLMs and their implications are complex and non-linear!

Street Science


A box with colored letters reading search on the left, a box with “LLMs” on the right and Vs. in between them.
Search Vs. LLMs — Illustration created by the author

With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Bard, an increasing number of internet folk predict the end of search engines like Google and Bing. It is quite natural in any civilisation for newer technology to replace older technology.

But when it comes to search, things are not so straightforward. Neither are LLMs nor their implications linear. I would like to start with the prime reason behind the prediction that search is about to die due to LLMs.

How Are LLMs Killing Search?

Contrary to LLMs and their implications, the reason why internet-folk predict LLMs will kill search is quite simple: the proof is in the pudding.

Ever since ChatGPT 3, more and more users looking for information have been asking their questions to LLMs rather than search engines like Google.

Part of this issue arises form Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Explained shortly, SEO is the process of manipulating the contents of a web page to “game” a search engine’s algorithm such that the web page is ranked higher by the search engine.

What happens when everybody tries to game a system? Not much good. Today’s Google search results, for instance, are…

