The Simple Math Behind Image Rotation

Featuring an old-school game-development algorithm!

Street Science


The Math Behind Image Rotation — A grid of 9 square blocks arranged in a 3x3 grid. Each block is numbered and has a unique color. On the right, the same block has been rotated 90 degrees in the clockwise direction. An question mark in the middle asks how to do this.
The math behind image rotation — Illustration created by the author

I recently started learning videogame development and stumbled upon the topic of sprite animation. As I was goofing around with pixel-based (raster) image rotations, I wondered how the earliest game developers tackled this problem.

Thankfully, we have a time machine (the internet) that lets us travel back and find out exactly that. One thing led to another, and I gathered enough information and made plenty of sketches to explore the mathematics behind image rotation in this essay.

If you are the type who is curious about the technical side of animation or are just someone who enjoys math, this essay is right up your alley. I will keep it beginner-friendly; I promise! Why don’t we start by figuring out what the title image is all about?

The Pixel Salad

Most digital images that we see today, be it on our phones, televisions, or monitors, are pixel-based images (formally known as raster graphics). They approximate objects and scenes that make sense to our brains using a rectangular grid, whose dimensions we refer to as resolution.

We call each rectangular geometrical element in this grid a pixel, and each pixel carries exactly one colour value (a combination of…

