The Purpose Of Life

The duality of life and entropy!

Street Science


The words life and entropy pointed at each other in a circular fashion. The word entropy is in pink inside a black box, whereas the word life is in black with inside a pink box. While entropy points to life with a curved pink arrow, life points to entropy with a curved black arrow.
The duality of life and entropy — Illustration created by the author

The question “What is the purpose of my life?” is arguably one of the most influential questions in the history of humanity, for it has led to many a ground-breaking innovation. Even those who never asked this question, yet went on to achieve great things, intrinsically knew the answer without ever asking.

Whether one asks the question or not, knowing the answer seems to be central to achieving worthwhile things in life. Blessed are human beings who have figured out their purpose in life!

Yet, here I am trying to tarnish humanity’s greatest achievements by arguing that life’s “purpose” is merely a bunch of strings pulled by something scientists call entropy. If you are one who entertains anthropomorphism, you might ask:

“What does this entropy want?”

Its answer would be something along these lines:

“I want to achieve omnipresence. And I will do so, whether you like it or not!”

Note that “omnipresence” is a word that many religions associate with God. This sounds like a science joke, right? But from what we know about entropy so far, there is nothing stopping it or hindering it from achieving exactly this: omnipresence!

