5 secrets our bees told us

Norval Scott
Street Voice
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018

We’ve been asking our global users what they think about life, the universe and everything…

At Streetbees, we’ve been taking the daily pulse of our global community of users — our bees — to find out their thoughts on everything from what kind of insect they’d most like to eat to whether Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un has the best hairstyle (spoiler alert: it was Kim).

Here’s five things they’ve told us recently that we liked — enjoy!

1) Young men are more likely to follow fashion brands on social media than sports

Men love sport, right? Well perhaps not any more, according to our bees.

When we asked our community how they use social media, we found a host of surprising answers — including that men under-35 are more likely to follow fashion and clothing brands than sports teams.

Other stereotypes broken: Gen-Z does use Snapchat, but doesn’t use it to follow companies; and older users don’t just use social media to complain about companies, and also are more loyal about who they follow.

2) Once you’re a bottled water drinker, you don’t stop

We looked at our bees’ drinking habits and found a truth about bottled water: it’s a habit.

Once someone starts drinking bottled water, it becomes an ingrained part of their healthy lifestyle — so the challenge for brands is to hook people early on.

Another outstanding fact: almost every single respondent who told us they drink bottled water said they make an effort to eat healthily.

3) 1 in 4 women have broken their phone by dropping it in the toilet

Yes, that seems unbelievable, but that’s what our careless lady bees told us– while less than 1 in 10 men have done the same.

Why? Well, we’re not entirely sure — but we did uncover some interesting correlations between how people carry their phones, and how they use them (and break them).

Tl;dr? Basically, if you carry your phone around in your hand, make sure you’ve got decent insurance.

4) Duck — a slippery slope…

We asked our bees in the UK what kind of meats they’d like to try, and whether they’d ever eat game.

We found that duck seems to be the ‘gateway drug’ for the market, but there’s a clear disparity between what people who eat game regularly are prepared to try, and those who don’t.

In short: if you don’t eat game often, you’re not going to be feasting on pigeon or tucking into a nice, fluffy rabbit anytime soon…

5) Work = Happiness

Well, maybe not totally. But two in three of our bees said their life satisfaction depended on feelings they had about their work.

Fortunately, over 3 in 4 said that they were motivated by their current positions — but that still leaves a sizeable minority that doesn’t feel enthused about their job, or their life.

We looked at the results and came up with some simple suggestions based on the findings that might point the way to a brighter future.

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A quick word on our methodology: The figures in the article are taken from Streetbees global community of members, carried out in May and June 2018. All of the data was collected by mobile and web surveys, and is accurate to within 3 percentage points 19 times out of 20.



Norval Scott
Street Voice

B2B tech PR person. Former business reporter in the UK and beyond. Views are my own.