AgentFramework for .NET joins Hyperledger Aries

Tomislav Markovski
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2019


We’re excited to announce that AgentFramework for .NET — a library for building interoperable SSI agents for the .NET Core runtime, joined the Hyperledger Aries family of frameworks. Aries provides a shared, reusable, interoperable tool kit designed for initiatives and solutions focused on creating, transmitting, and storing verifiable digital credentials.

Streetcred ID began development of the Agent Framework for .NET as an effort to create a unified set of tools for creating modular agents that can perform credential exchange according to standardized protocols. It was initially designed to work with interoperable Indy Agents on any network running an Indy Node (like Sovrin). These efforts have since evolved into Aries, to capture a broader set of standards, different blockchains, and include any DID methods.
Moving AgentFramework to Hyperledger Aries represents a path forward and a commitment to expand the list of supported features of this framework. This move will benefit from the rich developer ecosystem of Hyperledger, increase visibility into this project, and inspire more contributors to join. We hope this helps Aries reach its goal of having a framework for all platforms and languages.

Thanks to a group of very dedicated contributors, this year-long project has grown in a true cross-platform solution that aims to make SSI development easier, leaner, and more secure. A dozen of organizations use the framework for various projects across different business domains.

Aries Framework for .NET —



Tomislav Markovski

Random stories about software development, identity, security.