A Glimpse into the Data Applications Team

Evan Burrell
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2023
Data Applications team

Welcome! I’m Evan, Technical Lead for the Data Applications team here at Street Group. The Data Applications team is a group of talented software and data engineers who specialise in leveraging data to drive innovation and solve complex problems. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Data Applications team. We will explore their role, responsibilities, and the impact they have on our organisation’s mission.

Q: Can you walk me through the typical daily routine of a Software Engineer within the Data Applications team?

Our day begins with a daily standup, a tradition among Software Engineers, where we discuss the previous day’s work and outline our tasks for the day. We divide our time between two key projects: “Bridge,” our migration tool, and “Street Insights,” our property report generation tool. Prioritisation is crucial, and we work collaboratively with project managers and product owners to determine our focus. Additionally, we’re gearing up for exciting and innovative changes, which involve extensive planning and preparation. Our day involves not only coding but also addressing challenges related to imports for new clients, offering a unique problem-solving aspect to our routine.

Q: What are the primary responsibilities for Software Engineers within your team and how do you manage and balance these?

As a smaller team, we share the support and responsibilities for both Bridge and Insights. We don’t follow a rigid rotation but rather chip in as needed, ensuring no one person shoulders all the responsibilities. Our responsibilities include ongoing sprint work and prioritising tasks within a specific sprint. We strive for a clear focus in each sprint to accomplish defined goals. The Insights project demands ongoing attention due to its long-term nature, while new imports often require immediate prioritisation.

Street Con 2022 at the Everyman Cinema in Manchester

Q: What are the most common challenges you face within the Data Applications team and how do you overcome them?

Sharing knowledge is paramount in our team. Staying nimble as a small team, we encourage sharing new ideas and technologies. We adopted TypeScript for Bridge, a decision driven by the team. This decision improved the developer experience on Bridge allowing us to deliver new features with more confidence at a faster rate. Communication is crucial, and we utilise technical chapters and regular meetings to share progress, gather feedback, and maintain a strong technical foundation. Striking a balance between technical improvements and delivering client-focused features is an ongoing challenge that we navigate to ensure continued product excellence.

Q: How do you collaborate with other teams across the business?

We maintain a robust working relationship with the customer success team, particularly concerning Insights. Effective communication is key, covering new features, client feedback, and aligning our efforts with the broader business goals. This collaboration ensures that we meet client needs and seamlessly integrate our products into the larger Street ecosystem.

Manchester Web Meetup

Q: What tools and technology are the Data Applications teams using?

Our team operates with a diverse set of tools and technologies, catering to both heavy data processing and application development requirements. Both Bridge and Insights utilise PHP, Laravel, Vue, and Inertia as the foundational stack. TypeScript has been fully integrated into Bridge, enriching our codebase. Additionally, we’ve embraced cloud data processing tools, significantly enhancing our import processing efficiency.

Q: How would you describe our company culture and how does that support and motivate our Engineers?

Our culture is rooted in openness and collaboration. We emphasise sharing knowledge and experiences across teams, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. Opportunities abound for engineers to work on diverse projects, leveraging their unique skill sets. Earlier in the year we were able to onboard an engineer from another team in a short period of time allowing him the opportunity to improve his skill set and bring a fresh perspective to our team. Our supportive environment encourages Engineers to take ownership and responsibility, driving both personal and professional development.

Manchester Web Meetup

Q: Why should people want to join your team?

Our team offers a stimulating and varied work environment. Engineers have the opportunity to work on diverse projects, ensuring that no two days are the same. We value innovation and are open to incorporating new ideas and technologies, providing Engineers with a platform to make meaningful contributions and drive positive changes within the team.

Q: What’s on the horizon for the Data Applications team?

We’re eagerly looking forward to the launch of the new Insights project, a culmination of extensive internal collaboration and client feedback. This revamped version promises to be a significant step forward, building upon the core aspects that users love while integrating valuable enhancements. We strive to continue breaking barriers between our team and others, fostering a cohesive environment where opportunities for growth and learning abound.

To find out more about life at Street Group, follow us on LinkedIn, see what our team are saying on Glassdoor, or visit our careers site.

