Organizing special sales with StreetLib: earn more, work less!

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I can imagine a lot of authors and publishers will be wanting to organize promotional sales for their books, especially those related to love, relationships, etc. This is precisely what our StreetLibers over at Parkstone International have done, thanks to our Discount feature and StreetLib SELL.
Since it’s a fantastic example of what StreetLib can do for you, I thought I’d explain what they did so you can replicate it yourself during your next promotion!

Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2018


Check out Parkstone International’s Valentine book sale

Parkstone International is a “cosmopolitan publishing house that specialises in fine art books and offers a broad range of lavishly-illustrated publications in sixteen different collections.” They distribute their collections in both ePub and PDF format, in multiple languages, and use our platform to reach new markets and readers. They contacted us to talk about their upcoming promotion and how they should use our platform to get the best possible results. In just a couple of steps, they were able to set up a promotional sale for all their books, making them available to buy in a few clicks.

Setting up discounts

Our platform makes it really easy to manage your entire collection of books no matter how big. You can do batch updates, monitor their publication status, track their sales — and organize discounts for multiple books at once.

When you organize a discount campaign, Publish will adapt the prices for all your chosen books, in the chosen stores, for the chosen period. At the end of the campaign, your books will automatically be restored to their original price.

Create a bookstore and have a single link for your entire sale

When Parkstone International first contacted us, I asked if they had a link to their book sale. They told me they didn’t know how to get such a link, since they didn’t sell their books directly and couldn’t get one from the stores they distribute to. That’s where StreetLib Sell came in! They were quickly able to create their own bookstore and immediately start selling their collection directly, earning an additional 15% on their book sales by becoming their own distributor.

Once their store was up and running, the “books on sale” section automatically listed all their discounted books, creating one single link for their entire sale!

Why not become the next StreetLiber to take advantage of all our features?!

