Pronoun writes its epilogue, we don’t want you to be left on a blank page.

AC de Fombelle
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2017


As I, myself, had created a Pronoun account to discover their publishing platform, I received the same email as many other authors three days ago:


Two years ago Pronoun set out to create a one-of-a-kind publishing tool that truly put authors first. We believed that the power of data could be harnessed for smarter book publishing, leveling the playing field for indie authors.

We are proud of the product we built, but even more so, we’re grateful for the community of authors that made it grow. Your feedback shaped Pronoun’s development, and together we changed the way authors connect with readers.

Unfortunately, Pronoun’s story ends here.


We always admired the technology and lean publishing process Pronoun offers, but were a bit wary of their business model, as they weren’t getting any money in the process. We are all about helping authors get their books out there (or we wouldn’t do this job!), but, if we hadn’t been taking our 10% share on book sales, we wouldn’t have been able to keep growing and improving our tools and services for more than eleven years. Anyway, that’s history now, and I’m sure Pronoun’s experience has been a beautiful one for many authors. We share the same kind of vision and mission, and are always happy to see other players join forces to help books.

This is precisely why we’d like to make sure Pronoun users aren’t left with no alternative for distributing their books. We already have put in place a tool specifically for books coming from Pronoun, to make the transfer process as easy as possible! Just get your zip file from Pronoun, sign up, set up your Publish profile and follow our guide:

Import from Pronoun

All the information about this import tool are on our Help Center, but let me give you a broad outline:

  • Using the zip file Pronoun give you, we will create book pages with all the files (ePubs, covers) and metadata. You’ll then be able to either leave them for publication as is, or modify whatever needs changing (store selection, wordwide rights, etc.)
  • You can keep the same ISBN, but we will provide one for free if you need a new one.
  • We have contacted all the main stores to find out what will happen with your reviews, ranks, etc. For now, Amazon and Barnes & Noble will keep your reviews and ranking, while Apple, Google Play and Kobo won’t.

As a reminder for those new to StreetLib, we are a publishing service for both eBooks and paper books. Most of the channels available by Pronoun are also covered by StreetLib (including Google Play and Amazon), and we also reach many more. All our tools are presented on our website with loads of additional information on the Help Center. We are always extremely happy to help if you have questions, so don’t ever hesitate to ask!

