StreetLib Hip Hop culture

AC de Fombelle


When we first created one single brand out of all the services developed by Simplicissimus Book Farm, we settled on the name StreetLib Il Libro delle Streets”, The book of the streets. Why? Because our vision always aims to stay close to the Hip Hop philosophy. Imagine how big our smiles got when we had the opportunity to open our US offices in the Bronx! And we shared again a knowing smile discovering Geoff Nesnow’s post for the Startup Grind:

Let me re-explain here what I first said, at the time, on our old blog. The best definition of Hip Hop I personally heard was in a dance girly movie (granted, it’s not really a great hip hop reference…) and said about Hip Hop:

“It’s a form of cross-cultural communication, it’s a lifestyle, a language, a fashion; it’s simple and complex; it’s about an individual questioning the established; It’s about combining and recombining everything that came before. Hip Hop is about finding a new voice. What Hip Hop really is can be summed up in 3 simple words: I am here.”

How does that apply to StreetLib?

We strongly believe in the Renaissance Of Publishing which is not a revolution from old publishing, not a fight against existing publishing but rather a combining and recombining of everything that came before to create a cross-cultural, cross-countries, communication and publishing solution.

We live from the word of the streets: our StreetLibers, everywhere in the streets of the world, are the ones that guide us. StreetLib is defined by the needs of people living with and for books. StreetLib is about finding the new voice for the Book, for it to thrive in the digital world instead of competing with it.
StreetLib is its community, StreetLibers are StreetLib, StreetLibers are The Book of the future.
Everything is out in the open, for everyone to comment, discuss, argue and share.

We are not looking for a window of opportunity for us we want to be this window for book people. Books are all we care about.

