StreetLib Tour: Paris event

AC de Fombelle
2 min readMar 7, 2018


On top of the BootCamps to train our new tribe members in various parts of the world, my StreetLib Tour project, as part of my new globalization role, involves visiting cities in new markets where we want to invest.

Starting with Paris, for the French market, I’ll be visiting cities like Lyon, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt and Warsaw, as well perhaps Copenhagen and Amsterdam. And after that, who knows where i’ll end up!

The Paris event will take place next week, on 15th March, at Station F’s Anticafé. The aim of the event is to present our services and mission, and discuss — over some drinks — how books can be saved by combining the force of book publishing players with digital solutions.

Anyone interested in the topic is obviously welcome. I’ll be particularly happy to meet motivated people who’d like to join our tribe and become StreetLib’s advocate for the French market.

I am especially delighted about the location of the event (of course, I’m the one who selected it, so I should be happy with it) as it combines the innovative startup spirit of Station F — the world’s biggest startup facility, hosting incubators from all the biggest tech companies — with the modern and open collaborative mindset of the Anticafé, which is completely in keeping with our company’s work style. My office is wherever I start talking about StreetLib, be it with colleagues, on this blog, to strangers or friends. The same goes for the entire StreetLib tribe. The Anticafé concept is about welcoming anyone in exactly this situation: a place for us to set up our laptop or talk about StreetLib, becoming our workplace for a day or even just a few hours.

I really look forward to finding like-minded people with whom I can share my StreetLib experience and hearing new opinions on digital publishing solutions and needs. The future of books will be shaped by people’s initiatives and ideas. Perhaps you’ll be one of those people…if you think you are, let’s meet!

After Paris, I will hold the same event in different cities (obviously adapting based on previous experience and feedback), and will hopefully meet the people we are looking for on the way!

