The Big move

From the old Self Publish to the new Publish platform

AC de Fombelle
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2017


Being an online service basically means always improving your product. You don’t just create a product and put it on sale until you created the next product like a bike or a hoover. Everyday, there is something to update, adapt to new users needs, revamp, add, simplify. The question is then to prioritize: what are you going to bring first to your users?

At StreetLib, we always focus on, well, everything… We bring as fast as possible all the improvements our users are waiting for. Some take more time to be delivered, some come as a surprise to our StreetLibers.

This one today is big. Not only because it’s been a long-time expressed wish but because it has a big effect on our front-end interface: it’s a change you can easily see with your own eyes.

We are now getting our Self Publishers to a redesigned Publish app, allowing them to access many features like:

  • Batch uploads
  • Pre-sales
  • Discounts
  • Comprehensive set of book metadata (subtitle, series, HTML blurb, DublinCore metadata, etc.)
  • Selecting which countries their book can get into
  • Adapting prices for specific stores
  • And many more tools and management features.

Anyone signing up now, as a self publishers (or a publisher equally), will directly get to the new platform and we are offering all our previously signed-up Self Publishers the possibility to move there right now by filling in this very short form.
We’ll move everyone there in a short while and improve the platform according to the feedback we receive from our users, as we always do :)

For your pleasure, here is a bit of Before/After presentation:

Not only are features multiplied but the whole look and feel is more inline with our latest rebranding and easier to apprehend.

Adding a book to be published is now not only just about filling a form but it really allows the publisher to get his hands on every aspect of the publication:

