The StreetLib Tribe opens its conversations to the community

AC de Fombelle
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2018


I always say: “I’m not special, I’m not especially lucky or especially great. If you want what I have, you can; you just need to look for it and not give up until you find it.”

What am I referring to when I say “what I have”? My job :) The reason my work is so great is because of our tribe. I’ll say it over and over again. We have a philosophy here at StreetLib that I haven’t seen or heard of anywhere else. Maybe I am lucky after all.

We’ve grown since but this is who we are

Today marks a new step that perfectly illustrates what I love about our company: we are making our private discussions… public! As we are a remote company, most of our projects, ideas, questions, are discussed online. We use a number of project management tools. Today we have decided to close one of those tools and move our tribe’s discussions to StreetLib Connect.

We created StreetLib Connect as we were lacking a sense of community amongst our users, but we don’t want to be left out! We want to be on the streets of the Internet and be part of the conversation. While that obviously means taking part in users’ discussions, why can’t it also mean opening up our own conversations to them too?

I love this idea of openness and giving anyone the ability to be part of our company’s brainstorming.

The truth is, we are not going to suddenly have the whole world chatting about what we’re doing. But people who are really interested in StreetLib will come check out our forum and have their say. And we want them to have their say! We always say feedback is welcome, and we mean it.

When Antonio first mentioned the idea of making our internal conversations public, some asked why the outside world would care about what we have to share. It’s not a question of whether everyone will care or not. It’s about that one person who does care, and who will now be able to see for his/herself. We — well, our Italian team members — were quick to make a parallel with Umarells. So, will you be our umarells?

From Loreto to New York, umarells come and go, arms behind their backs, ready to see the world grow.

Our StreetLib Tribe forum is intended for us to have our discussions exactly like before, just now in public. Our boss, Antonio Tombolini, got the ball rolling by saying Hello to the world:

“StreetLib Team members are invited to converge here for ‘internal’ discussions, except they have to know that those internal discussions will be publicly available for everybody. Weird, and interesting in itself.
Not only that: registered StreetLib users could (and are invited to) intervene and discuss our ‘internal’ discussions. Wow. Let’s see what happens, ok? 🙂

